Provides info about the services offered by Wirringa Baiya to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, children and youth.
Provides info your rights around being stopped, searched or detained by police.
Provides info about what you can do if there is a notification to the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ/DoCS) about your unborn child.
Provides info about what is bullying and how to report it.
Provides info about domestic violence, what an AVO (Apprehended Domestic Violence Order) is and how to get an ADVO.
Provides info about the NSW Victims Support Scheme, who can claim and where claims should be lodged.
Provides info about what lawyers/solicitors do and what to expect from a solicitor or barrister.
Provides info about discrimination and sexual harassment, where and how to make a complaint.
Provides info about adult sexual assault, who to talk to and what to expect if you report it to the police.
Provides info for people getting accomodation and support.
Provides info about depression and getting help.
Provides info about looking after kids, the signs to look for and what to do if a child discloses sexual abuse.
Provides info for young people about child sexual abuse, about being safe and what to do if you feel unsafe or scared.
Provides info about keeping safe when using technology and social media (such as Facebook and Snapchat).
Provides info about what is cyberbullying and how to report it.
Provides info about the family law system and keeping kids happy, safe and connected with their family.
Wirringa Baiya receives funding from the NSW Government, the Commonwealth Government and the Public Purpose Fund.