Legal Advice and Casework

We can provide advice. Depending on the circumstances and our capacity we may be able to offer minor case assistance or take on matters.

When can you get advice?

Our solicitors are available to speak to clients over the phone or face to face, during the advice line times listed below. 

Wirringa Baiya also provides regular monthly outreach at Emu Plains Correctional Centre and Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Corporation.

Advice Line Hours

What we can help with

Wirringa Baiya provides advice and casework in relation to the following types of matters:

Domestic Violence

Apprehended Violence Orders (AVO)

Sexual Assault

Child Sexual Assault

Victims Support

Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

Care and Protection

Access to Information under Government Information Public Access (GIPA)

Family Law

Disputes about Children

How to Apply for Legal Aid

Complaints against the Police, Correctional Centres, Juvenile Detention Centres and NSW Department of Community and Justice - DCJ (previously DOCS and FACS)

While we usually provide only advice on the following matters, we sometimes provide clients with further assistance on the following types of matters:


Credit and Debit

Wills and Estates

Complaints about Doctors and Nurses



Housing and Tenancy

Property in Family Law Disputes

Medical Negligence

Neighbourhood Disputes

What we can't help you with

There are some areas of law that Wirringa Baiya cannot assist you with. These include:

Business and Partnership Law

Corporations Law

Criminal Charges

Buying a House and Mortgage

Workers Compensation

Intellectual Property

Commercial Law

Immigration Law

Native Title

Wirringa Baiya cannot assist you if you are having problems obtaining proof of your Aboriginality. 
Wirringa Baiya is not in a position to determine a person’s Aboriginality.
At all times you can expect respect, cultural sensitivity and confidentiality when your speaking to Wirringa Baiya staff. You can expect to speak to a female solicitor, who is sensitive to trauma.

It is important to us that you understand the advice you receive, and if you have any questions about it at all, we are happy to discuss it with you until you’re comfortable with the new information.

Contact us today

Call us on 1800 686 587 or 9569 3847

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